Friday, March 11, 2011


A 8.9 Earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011.
Aftershocks of up to 7.0, a failed coolant at a Nuclear Plant is being watched and evacuated.
Tsunamis up to 30ft high hit Japan from the Earthquake.
Mini Tsunami hit the Hawaiian Islands and California.
A Tsunami Alert is issued in Chile, South America.
At least 1000 Reported dead, 10,000 Reported Injured and 100 Reported Missing. Those numbers are still counting.
Prayers are needed for Japan and for those who were affected.


Thursday, March 10, 2011


Well, I'm in my bed, doing homework, thinking.
I got soo much stress. College. Church. Family. School. Driving/Car. Money, well not so much.
Got 4 tests tomorrow. Right before Spring Break, ikr?
Then on Saturday I got SAT in the morning then meeting my REAL mom with my brother.
I still can't forgive her. Not Yet. Well, off to homework and studying. I'll probably blog later.
If you're reading this, please follow, even if it's anonymous.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lord Jesus. I Need You. I Need You

Tonight. If you never given your heart to Jesus Christ. If you never had a relationship with Him personally. We all made mistakes, for the wages of those mistakes is His death. But listen, Jesus Christ being the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. He came down to this Earth, He went to the... cross and He bore what we deserve on the Cross because of His love for us. He offers it freely to each and one of us. If you never given your heart and made Him Lord of Your Life and Everything, make that commitment don't walk out of here without saying "Lord Jesus, I need You. I need You"

"I Need You. I Need You"